by ARWMAS | Dec 6, 2022 | Events
Some of our presenters from the 7th Annual Regional Round-Up have very kindly shared their presentations, which you can find below. Program: Presentations: 1-SaskPower-ARWMAS-2022-Presentation-Oct.-28-2022Download...
by ARWMAS | Nov 8, 2021 | Events
Our presenters from the 6th Annual Regional Round-Up have very kindly shared their presentations, which you can find below. Program: Presentations: Ministry-of-Envt.-Landfill-Construction-Rules-and-ProcessesDownload Min.-of-Envt.-SWMS-Progress-UpdateDownload...
by ARWMAS | Nov 9, 2020 | Events
Our presenters from the 5th Annual Regional Round-Up have very kindly shared their presentations, or links to their presentations, which you can find here. Program: Presentations: Recycling Reality Check: Is it still a viable proposition?Download Our Provincial HHW...